Disconnect RTU's for Roof Replacement

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Senior Member
Northern Virginia
Master Electrician / Electrical Engineer
I do much more residential than commercial. Is it common to disconnect RTU's when replacing a flat roof? I've been told by my church that their roofing contractor wants the RTU's electrical disconnected before they replace the roof. They didn't mention anything about disconnecting the rigid gas pipe. Is this normal?

I don't know if they are worried about shock hazard or they plan to move the units or the conduits? I'm lost.

Any info would be appreciated.


I do much more residential than commercial. Is it common to disconnect RTU's when replacing a flat roof? I've been told by my church that their roofing contractor wants the RTU's electrical disconnected before they replace the roof. They didn't mention anything about disconnecting the rigid gas pipe. Is this normal?

I don't know if they are worried about shock hazard or they plan to move the units or the conduits? I'm lost.

Any info would be appreciated.



Is it possible that the conduits are laying on the roof, or they are rotted out from laying on the roof?
If they aren't moving the RTU then there isn't a need to disconnect it. If the customer wants, the customer gets.
Thanks for the replies. The conduits are not laying on the roof. The only thing I can figure is that if the conduits were disconnected, then they could slide new flashing down over the open ends.

Thanks for the replies. The conduits are not laying on the roof. The only thing I can figure is that if the conduits were disconnected, then they could slide new flashing down over the open ends.


Depending on the type of roof they are installing they may be lifting the units so that they can redo the curbs that they are mounted on. One of the products we've seen they would also replace the flashings with one that goes with the product, so that they can warranty the roof.
I thought they might be lifting the units to do the curbs, but they didn't mention anything about disconnecting the gas pipes. Got a meeting at noon. We'll let you know.

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