I think you need to understand the difference between an ideal voltage source and voltage sources in the real world. The
Wikipedia page on this is decent enough for starters. (Also check out current source, to understand that not all sources behave like voltage sources.)
Also study voltage drop, which is consistently a consideration in the theory of all electrical circuits.
In your case of the fuel injectors, having 2 instead of 3 did not noticeably affect the ability of the source to maintain the voltage. But it probably did make a difference, just too tiny for you to measure. And if you were to put 100 or 1000 fuel injectors on the same source, at some point you would see the voltage drop, and at some point the injectors simply wouldn't work anymore.
The idea behind the surge protector is when a high voltage spike occurs it momentarily puts such a high loads on the source that it keeps the voltage down to a level where it is less damaging to the other loads.