Dishwasher and disposal, duplex recep, 4-pole breaker, shared neutral

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This is what I see under my sink and in my panel, new construction from 2001. The recep is not a GFCI type.

It passed inspection then. Would it now?

Is there a better way to wire for this?

Since we are in the kitchen, a couple more questions on best practice and code.

A group of duplex receptacles will be in a new kitchen, one on the side of the small island, the others on the backsplash wall above the counter. The plan is for plain no-GFCI receps, but a GFCI breaker for the branch circuit. Total recep count to here is five (5).


May one of these be the power source for a countertop 1100W microwave?

May we add one more recep to this circuit, for the refrigerator?
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