Distance to Residential Meter Pole - Ready Accessible Issue

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Section 230.70.A(1) of NEC states that ?the service disconnectmeans shall be installed at a readily accessible location either outsideof a building or structure or inside nearest the point of entrance ofthe service entrance conductors.? ?Readily Accessible? and ?nearest? istypically left up to governing authority to make that determination which may be the utility.

What is maximum distance allowed for meter pole to be located away from a residence's exterior wall without requiring a second disconnect to be placed on exterior wall of residence? The only reference to a maximum distance to a meter pole is covered in Section 550.32 in Mobile Home section that states meter pole is not to be more than 30 feet from exterior wall of mobilehome. So, what about from a residence to meter pole?

Also, what is considered a reasonable/maximum distance distance allowed from service entrance on exterior of wall of a residence to a disconnect located inside building?
IMO, this section needs a re-write as there is no distance. The way it is written it can be 100' or more but I don't believe that is the intent. Trailers allow 30' I believe but I have never done a residence where the disconnect wasn't on the outside of the building or directly inside where it enters the building.
IMO, this section needs a re-write as there is no distance. The way it is written it can be 100' or more but I don't believe that is the intent. Trailers allow 30' I believe but I have never done a residence where the disconnect wasn't on the outside of the building or directly inside where it enters the building.
If they would just add the words "in sight from or with in site from" then that would take care of the distance. 50 ft
I agree to within 50' -- many exterior feeders are over 200' & up to 400' which includes the EGC. Code make this mandatory though I would really appreciate a specific electrical theory that describes the need to tie a remote service disconnect grounding electrode system to a structures electrode system thru the ECG. Seems the grounded conductor would serve the same purpose, if the ECG was not present in the feeder & the bonding of the electrode systems to the grounded conductor was at the electrical equipment at each location.
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