My fathers home
My fathers home
My father was an electrical contractor but has since passed on ( not electrical related) lol. When I moved into the home I tried to change out a light on the exterior of the home. The problem was that I was unable to get the new light to work. The old one still worked, but the new one(s) did not. I just wanted to upgrade. After hours of confusiion, I found that the light did not have a working ground or a neutral. But how did the light work, if there was neither. The two wires were cut off deep inside the box in a three way switch. After further examination, I found the metal light was touching the service mast and that was its form of neutral. Sound dangerous, but it worked and he had no apperant problem with it. It goes to show electricians dont always do it up right, at home. God love him thou, he was a great man and a great electrican otherwise.