do I need a subpanel in a garage

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I'm the one responsible for this job passing

I'm the one responsible for this job passing

The boss told me he wants me to run 2 runs of 12-2 In 1" pvc he told me to make changes as needed to pass inspection and I belive he is wrong I never question the boss unless he asks my opinion. this was one of the times I was told to make it pass and I belive I need to make some changes I want to install a 4 space subpanel in the garage what do you think thanks again
ryandumas28 said:
The boss told me he wants me to run 2 runs of 12-2 In 1" pvc he told me to make changes as needed to pass inspection and I belive he is wrong I never question the boss unless he asks my opinion. this was one of the times I was told to make it pass and I belive I need to make some changes I want to install a 4 space subpanel in the garage what do you think thanks again

Two runs of 12-2 won't fly.
ryandumas28 said:
The boss told me he wants me to run 2 runs of 12-2 In 1" pvc he told me to make changes as needed to pass inspection and I belive he is wrong I never question the boss unless he asks my opinion. this was one of the times I was told to make it pass and I belive I need to make some changes I want to install a 4 space subpanel in the garage what do you think thanks again

I personally would pull #12 thhn, and be done with it... The only drawbacks with a subpanel is now you need a main breaker and groundrods, your adding more work thats not needed.
stickboy1375 said:
You really need to read up on 225...

I can't echo this statement enough in regards to your situation. ;)

You really need to read up on 225...

You really need to read up on 225...

You really need to read up on 225...

You really need to read up on 225...
Dennis Alwon said:
You must use a mwbc if you don't install a panel and have 2 circuits.

Maybe I should explain this better. If you run power to a detached structure then you can only have one feeder except for some rare cases. Now a MWBC, a neutral with two hots and a ground is considered one feeder accorcing to art 225.30.

Nm cable is not allowed in a raceway underground. Read art. 300.5(B) as well as 300.9 in the 2008 NEC. These are new art. but it clarifies what was expected in 2005.

If you run a MWBC then you can use 12/3 UF with ground and use a WP DP pullout as your disco at the building. I have used a DP switch as a disco.

No ground rod or panel would be necessary in the above scenario. If you want to run PVC then UF or individual conductors must be used. One inch PVC may be a tight fit for 12/3 UF.
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