Do they make IC rated remodel can lights?

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Senior Member
In 4" 5" 6" ? Not sure if i've seen them or not? Also if you can tell me where they carry them please if there available. Thank you.
4" Not that I know of. I looked before.
5" Sure.
6" For sure.

I only know Juno numbers off my head.
A 5" Juno remodel IC would be IC20R.
A 6" Juno IC remodel is IC22.

Progress Lighting

Thanks guys. What makes a can IC rated?

Thanks guys. What makes a can IC rated?

The housing, the wiring whats different from a non IC?
IC= Insulated can. Meaning it can have direct contact with insulation. Many IC's are also air tight. Meaning you wount have air comming in from a hot or cold attic thru the can vents.

TC= Thermo cutout, or is it thermo can. Meaning it has a over tempiture safty cut out switch. I think most incandesent cans for many years have these cut out switches. A TC can is not to be be placed in direct contact with insulation. What is it 6" minimum space from insulation. I would say TC's you need to keep more space from combustables as they leak out the hot air thru the vents. The plus side of TC's is they tend to allow higher wattages.
Many IC and TC cans can use the same trim when from the same manufacture. The only difference may be the wattage is limited with the TC.

An example would be a Juno 25w 6" straight baffle trim.
With a IC 22R your limited to 65w
With a TC 2R you can go up to 150w.
In 4" 5" 6" ? Not sure if i've seen them or not? Also if you can tell me where they carry them please if there available. Thank you.

I'm also in CA and I went to a BBQ yesterday that a supply house called American Ace Supply was giving. (Not affiliated with "True Value") I went there looking for (22) 5" IC rated cans and they had 4,5,6 and 8" cans with many different trims and installation methods. They had the 5" IC Remodel can with white trim and black baffle for like $37.00. The manufacturer was Elite Lighting and Distributor was American Ace Supply ... JB
Did a job using Lithonia 3 1/2" IC remodel airtight cans. Restricted to 35 watt lamps which were hard to find. Put 42 of the suckers in with white shallow baffle trims.

Existing Ceilings
Model No.: L3R
Maximum Wattages/ Lamp Types:
IC: 30W R20, 35W PAR20

Progress Lighting


Not sure where you copied this from, but that can is niether IC rated or air tight. Here is Progress' cut sheet on this can. If you find a 4" remodel can that is IC rated let me know. Neither Progress or Juno makes 1 that I have found. I think I saw 1 at a customers faucility, but didn't write down the manufacturer or part number and we didn't get the go on the project we were there to look at. I think it was Altez or something like that.
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