If the disconnect for a piece of HVAC equipment doesn’t have any fuses, then can you make the argument the switch will not require maintenance so that 3’ clearance isn’t required?
If you were trouble shooting a problem at the equipment would you check voltage at the disconnect? Note that besides the word "maintenance", "examination" is in there too.
I was referring to depth since it's about 6" short of the full 3' working depth. I agree about the code minimums but was wondering if it's a requirement for disconnects if you can make the argument it's not likely to be worked on while energized.
IMO this is where the NEC falls short. It gives us ambiguity that is open to interpretation when it should be clearly defined. For many, including myself, the disconnect is the first point of testing. I would check to see if the breaker were tripped if not then the next simplest thing to do is open the disconnect switch and test the terminals. I'm not going to remove all of the screws on the panel or at the unit to test for voltage when I can just open the door on the switch.
I was referring to depth since it's about 6" short of the full 3' working depth. I agree about the code minimums but was wondering if it's a requirement for disconnects if you can make the argument it's not likely to be worked on while energized.
That tells me that this is an existing installation. Is that right?I was referring to depth since it's about 6" short of the full 3' working depth.
I was referring to depth since it's about 6" short of the full 3' working depth. I agree about the code minimums but was wondering if it's a requirement for disconnects if you can make the argument it's not likely to be worked on while energized.
What makes you think that?110-26(a)¹ is referring to ....to keep it simple electrical circuit breaker panels.
By definition it could mean a simple light switchBy others definition of it we would need the 3' clearance for a simple light switch.. where do you draw line?
You can ask this question to ten different inspectors and you will get both answers. I know we always try and get clearance but what about in a crawl space. How do you get the height???? We always try and get the disconnect in the most accessible area.
The odd thing is I can install an entire panel 1 foot off the ground with a wp cover that hinges at the top and it is compliant. I have actually seen it like that before. I was not happy to have to work on it.
What makes you think that?
By definition it could mean a simple light switch
Equipment. A general term, including fittings, devices, appliances,
luminaires, apparatus, machinery, and the like used as a
part of, or in connection with, an electrical installation. ...