Does anyone know which dimmable led lights that will fit 4” hole? I tried a few, but the specs for the back diameter don’t match up to the product.

Does anyone know of a recessed led that will fit in our 4” ceiling holes, for a canless install? I’ve tried 3 already, but the backs are 5-6 inches and I don’t want to cut my ceiling. I just painted it. Feit made one that said 5/6 and it fit in my hole. Unfortunately it was the wrong style. Retrofit won’t work. So, how do I find one that will fit? Any help is greatly appreciated! I prefer the light to be flush to the ceiling, or at least not protrude outwards like the builder grade ones that came with the house. I have a Lutron Maestro Pro Dimmer and need to make sure it’s compatible. 🫣
Since the OP is only asking for help locating a product we will allow the thread.
If you're removing a 4" round box I've used Halo 4" wafer lights that went directly into the existing hole. They're listed as requiring a 4.18" hole.

If the ceiling is Sheetrock, the 3/16” over ones you can usually just push through the hole when it’s whole-inch size.