Does anyone know which dimmable led lights that will fit 4” hole? I tried a few, but the specs for the back diameter don’t match up to the product.

Does anyone know of a recessed led that will fit in our 4” ceiling holes, for a canless install? I’ve tried 3 already, but the backs are 5-6 inches and I don’t want to cut my ceiling. I just painted it. Feit made one that said 5/6 and it fit in my hole. Unfortunately it was the wrong style. Retrofit won’t work. So, how do I find one that will fit? Any help is greatly appreciated! I prefer the light to be flush to the ceiling, or at least not protrude outwards like the builder grade ones that came with the house. I have a Lutron Maestro Pro Dimmer and need to make sure it’s compatible. 🫣
Since the OP is only asking for help locating a product we will allow the thread.
Literally any 4" canless LED.
All the ones I’ve seen call for either a 4-3/8 or 4-7/16 opening. But usually, the extra fraction is just to get the mounting clips through the hole. Adding a couple small notches to a 4” hole shouldn’t be a big deal - the trim covers everything.
If you're removing a 4" round box I've used Halo 4" wafer lights that went directly into the existing hole. They're listed as requiring a 4.18" hole.

If the ceiling is Sheetrock, the 3/16” over ones you can usually just push through the hole when it’s whole-inch size.
Seen a lot of the "4 inch" or "6 inch" lights not really fit an opening of the given size "4" or "6" inch, Like the HALO shown above. Had to resize many an opening after the fixture actually show up on site.