Does this guideline seem ok or does it make make you question the reliability?

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Senior Member
It is a guideline for fairly complex distribution network that is ~65 pages long.

In its discussion of transformers... you see...

do you see wikipedia as good reference or does this make you question the reliability of the report?
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I'm always hesitant to embrace Wiki articles as gospel because of the openly editable content, and because I've seen some sloppy articles, but my quick assessment of this transformer document is that it looks great. And its references are excellent.
I would see the inclusion of this document in your report as a good thing.
John M
My opinion is that the only useful information you can get from Wikipedia is the list of reference sources that anyone includes in their posting. If you want to make use of any posted documents, I would go after the source, and seek the author?s permission.

I keep a Dilbert comic strip posted on my cubicle wall. A person known as ?Topper? makes an outlandish claim, which is questioned by the secretary. Topper replies, ?Give me ten minutes, and then check Wikipedia.? :lol:
Wikipedia has a lot of good stuff and a lot of not so good stuff. Most of the technical stuff is not too bad, but I will take it with a grain of salt and look closely at the source material.

It is horrible for anything that has even a small amount of political content as the radicals on all sides battle to get in the last edits.
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