doorbell transformer

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Senior Member
Re: doorbell transformer

Originally posted by aelectricalman:
We mount ours on a keyless light in the basement, on the light in the furnace room. Not on the furnace. Sometimes, to the panel if the panel is away from areas of future finishing. All I have seen are not listed to put in the chime box, divider or not. There is too much heat build up, hence the reason for the 3/8" connector on the side of the XFMR. To mount on the outside of something.


Senior Member
Right here.
Re: doorbell transformer

Originally posted by aelectricalman:
It is not code to put them in the chime box, divider or not.
I appreciate that opinion, but I think you're incorrect. I ran out to the truck and opened up three models of NuTone transformers and one Edwards transformer, and none have such a prohibition. While I don't and wouldn't put a chime transformer inside of a wall box, I would support an installer's right to do so since I can't find any specific prihibition. The UL white book seems to permit a 40*C temp rise.

I think that this "chime transformer placement" excercise is worthwhile, since every project is different. Not all dwellings have attic. Not all dwellings have basements, and not all dewlling have a garage, and some have none of the above. I can believe that some creativity is necessary to place the chime transformer for the guys that do multifloor, muiti tennant buildings. This type of dwelling likely has no obvious "good place" for the chime transformer. That's where the chime box thing a person posted would come in handy, I suppose.

[ June 26, 2005, 04:34 PM: Message edited by: mdshunk ]


Senior Member
Re: doorbell transformer

MDshunk, I actually tried to correct my opinion before I was called on it. However, instead of editting it looks like I quoted myself and changed it in the quote. Technology is a ***** if you don't know how to use it. :D I agree with you that it may be be code, however I have never seen an inspector pass one behind the chime. I have even suggested this to my inspector, but he told me it has not been allowed for sometime. Not in my neck of the woods. Also, the Nutones I use do not allow the XFMR to be placed behind the chime. The instructions on the nutones I use, specifically shows directions as screwing into the side of the metal box with a 3/8" locknut. I would like to know if this is infact legal. If so, it may be the answer to our questions.


Senior Member
Re: doorbell transformer

You guys convinced me,since I install a receptacle near the switch for the attic lights anyway, I guess I could install the XFMR there too. If there is no attic, I'll try for the air handler closet (no basements here). Good thread. :)


Senior Member
Re: doorbell transformer

Be careful installing doorbell transformers in a attic because they incorporate a thermo-fuse in the windings of the transformer which open at a certain temperature, and we have found this fuse will open even when there was no short in the secondary circuit. So in a hot attic it can open this fuse. we had one creative home owner who tried to use a bath fan to vent his attic and he kept haveing the same problem when it got hot the fan moter would stop working, They to had the same type of fuse in it and the heat was opening it.


Senior Member
Re: doorbell transformer

I'll keep that in mind, here in deep south Texas it gets awful hot in the attic. :)
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