Down Payments

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growler said:
So you're saying that an EC should look for a builder, find a barrel and bend over and smile.

That's got to be the worst business advice I have ever herd.

Calm down. I'm saying people do business this way because there is plenty of profit in this work. Believe me, the customer more then pays for the $45.

Look at it this way. Some guys would spend 4 hours doing a takeoff for this job X $75.00 an hour is $300. Just to end up being 6th place out of 12 bidders. That seems like an even worse business model.

I know the terms ahead of time and build it in to my rates. We aren't losing money, sometime you have to give up $45 to make $5,000.
shockin said:
I know the terms ahead of time and build it in to my rates. We aren't losing money, sometime you have to give up $45 to make $5,000.

So you are providing job financing for a higher rate. That I can understand. But if you are just bidding heads up, low bidder gets it then I can see no reason to finance the job. If you are talking about 10K with minimal risk over a 30-60 period for a return of 5K profit, well that's different. That would make you kind of an investor in the project and may well be a good investment.

Everyone has to have some sort of an angle, the higher the risk the higher the price. If they want a reasonable price then they have to lower the risk factor, that's where that down payment comes in ( lower risk, bird in hand).
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