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Not quite understanding the need for the dissertation or all the speculation. I simply was letting Jraef know that there is at least one manufacturer that does make a 400AF draw out breaker.

Carry on......................

There is no more dicertaion or spectulation about draw outs as expounded upon a simple 400a with a 300a trip. As long as there a speculation aboit drawouts I simply took it a step farther indicating that a basic 400a frame with a 300at does have an option to be installed in a moving and stationary draw out frame assembly, that it also has a plug on option. These are just as possible as a draw out air circuit breaker, draw out insulated and power breaker.
Has there been any determination that the OP actually does have a basic 400a frame molded case breaker with a basic 300at?
Other than to speculate have you figured out what the OP was referring to yet?
Having a one line with spec would clarify it. What does the spec say an and the one line show? But there is none.
Forgot about insulated case, SPB, GE Power Break, SQ-D SE, have those in 400A too.

What is most amazing to me is how all this was spun out of "If it says 400AF & 300AT. The "F" is the frame and the "T" is trip? Which one indicated the size of the breaker? The frame I assume? For laboring purpsose I'm curious. Thanks."
I still didn't see anything in regard to any specs or one lines that would verify if this was in fact a draw out or not. I would opt for a simple and very basic 400a from with a 300a interchangeable trip unit. The OP needs to know the voltage and kaic rating.
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