dress code

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wireman71 said:
I'm liking that orange and yellow one. Call my company pimp electric!

Dammit..I wanted that one ...I'll grab the red one the right "Pimpin' n' Power"

This should do...
stickboy1375 said:
Marc, I didn't think your picture was funny, I liked Iwire's creativeness to link your picture thats all...
I know. I thought it was kinda funny too. Just not that funny. Bob's photo looks like it must be 10 years old also.
mdshunk said:
Bob's photo looks like it must be 10 years old also.

I guess thats a good thing as that photo was taken last winter. I badly needed a hair cut but Mike Holt wanted a photo for the forum.
Hey Celtic my mother in law is an importer of fine Scotish Kilts and clothes or anything else Scotish or Celtic. I have personaly helped her along with my wife at many Scotish Highland games all over the country. What you have in your picture there is a fine "Utili Kilt" in a lite tan. They come in many colors but sadly they are not made in Scotland. I beileve they are made in china. Let me know if you are interested in her web site.
When I lived in Japan, I noticed everyone had a uniform of some type. Almost every job was defined by a uniform, even construction workers wore very distinctive pants and shoes.
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