dress panel

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Senior Member
what does the term dress panel mean when someone is talking about fire alarms? i tried to google it but couldnt find anything

the only thing i can think of is if the the system is an addressable panel to adress the addressable loop meaning giving adresse's to pulls and smokes. but good question


Senior Member
New Jersey
Professional Engineer, Fire & Life Safety
It's just a "dead front" to cover the wiring compartment. Some cover the batteries as well.

I'm gonna respectfully disagree. I believe it really refers to the trim ring/cabinet combination used to "dress" the appearance of a panel mounted flush or semi-flush in a wall.


Senior Member
Durham, NC
I've been more than once blamed of calling supplies and equipment just about anything other than it correct electrical name or just something that's not its name!
But I am in-line here!

I often say, go dress it out or, I'm going to dress it out or, finish this and dress'n it out accordingly; IE terminate, number, strap. Go 100% :roll:
Or other combinations there of.

I got a compliment the other day from a co-worker.

"I've come to understand and appreciate your thoughts of touching it once, and going 100%."

I said, Thank You, and your Welcome!
Dress Panel

Dress Panel

I always use the term dress a panel weather it's a Fire Alarm Panel, Electrical Panel, Transfer Switch, Safety Switch, etc. is to make sure everything on the inside is nice and neat. I want you to use sticky backs and wire ties. Just my opinion
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