Drill and tap steel elbow

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There are some universal ones with a removable cover on both sides. With those you always bring the correct one.
Ok I'll bite. What exactly is the code violation?
Surprised no one has claimed voiding the listing yet.

I even drill "weep holes" in them quite often but someone is bound to not like that either. Seems better to me than having any water that does get drained end up moving further on into the run.
That is not really such thing as "voiding a listing".
Correct. A listing says the item was built/manufactured following a specific standard.

It is possible an installer tries to apply a product in a manner which is inconsistent with its listing as judged by the AHJ.

It is our industry slang to refer to a misapplication as a violation.
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110.12 because it’s ugly 😎
110.2 Approval, Doubt my AHJ would approve it.
110.3(B) doubt the manufacture would approve it
230.7 if the elbow is for a Service
314.28 wire bending space, conductors #4 and larger, although that would be hard being the OP had a 1/2” in 3” as an example.
You have also introduced a threaded entry/lock ring/bushing in the elbow that is going to interfere with the other pulling dimensions/abrasion. Also depends on where this extra EMT connector is installed.
Is the elbow PVC with the EMT addition, now add a bond bushing in there.

I’m sure there are other articles that could be cited depending on the full details. But damn, it is hard to cite something solid on it. Thanks for putting me on the spot 😁
Because its ugly is the best comment lol

The most recent i seen was on an LB on the bottom side 3" went thru wall the 1/2" ran at a 90 degree angle to the bottom and along wall surface.

It seemed super odd and wrong but made me think
Is the LB listed to be drilled and attach another feed? Unlikely. Doing so would violate it's listing and could be called out as a violation.

Have seen this new type that is field adaptable called an Anybody by Arlington. Theoretically you could add an adapter that could accommodate an EMT connection. It is designed and listed to do so.

Is the LB listed to be drilled and attach another feed? Unlikely. Doing so would violate it's listing and could be called out as a violation.

Have seen this new type that is field adaptable called an Anybody by Arlington. Theoretically you could add an adapter that could accommodate an EMT connection. It is designed and listed to do so.

View attachment 2563399
Can you put an adaptor in each and every port and call it someone with multiple personalities?

Or put blank covers on all the ports and call it a nobody?

Is the LB listed to be drilled and attach another feed? Unlikely. Doing so would violate it's listing and could be called out as a violation.
But that is not how it works. Even if a component is required to be listed, the manufacturer doesn't provide a list of acceptable uses or ways you can use it, or modifications you can make and the way you use it has to be on that list. Now of they said "no other field installed entries" or " field installed entries must be only of the size/type /location as follows......". Then that would provide restrictions.
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