drilling in conduit body - NEC violation?

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Are their any NEC violations if you drill "low point drains" in a conduit body (damp location) to allow accumulated moisture to be released? Thanks
I would say no since you are required by the NEC to install raceways so that they will drain.
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I agree with Trevor and Roger. :)

I have also drilled holes in conduit bodies for this very reason.

Can anyone cite an NEC section prohibiting this practice?
iwire said:
Can anyone cite an NEC section prohibiting this practice?
No, but I can give you at least one that would seem to require it.

I think that Crouse Hinds does make a drain fitting of some sort. A purist might tell you to use a TB body instead of an LB and install the drain fitting in the bottom opening.
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Trevor, I think Marc was replying to Bob's question of "is there anything prohibiting it".

I have drilled a lot of drain holes in fittings in the past....now I just cut a notch in the gasket. Same results, but quicker and easier.
I always notch the gasket also, especially with FS boxes. I've opened many over the years that were full of water.
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