Drilling through block foundation

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I needed a 4" hole in my block foundation for a dryer vent. Talked to the guy who does our sprinkler coring. $200 bucks later I had a nice clean hole for the prefab vent with the anti-draft cover. He even stepped the hole for the collar. No filling, no patching, no muss, no fuss.

Unless this had to go in a specific place through the block that was not in the center of a hollow block core, you spent too much. I would have done it with a hammer in just a few minutes and likely would need no patching. Hole would not be as clean, but would be covered by the collar. I would have done it for free - plus probably more than $200 for travel to get to you .:p
Unless this had to go in a specific place through the block that was not in the center of a hollow block core, you spent too much. I would have done it with a hammer in just a few minutes and likely would need no patching. Hole would not be as clean, but would be covered by the collar. I would have done it for free - plus probably more than $200 for travel to get to you .:p

Yeah, travel would be a bear! You'd be surprised how many people call from California asking if we'd install a kitchen suppression system for them. Wonders of the Internet.

I can't begrudge the $200. I don't know what overhead costs are like for service businesses in your area, but on our fire extinguisher side of the business you can't say "hello" to us for less than $85. Core drilling is a littlle more specialized so I'm good with what I paid.
Yeah, travel would be a bear! You'd be surprised how many people call from California asking if we'd install a kitchen suppression system for them. Wonders of the Internet.

I can't begrudge the $200. I don't know what overhead costs are like for service businesses in your area, but on our fire extinguisher side of the business you can't say "hello" to us for less than $85. Core drilling is a littlle more specialized so I'm good with what I paid.
I'm glad I didn't say hello, (uh-oh) now I owe you $85.
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