Mike -
Just so you know:
I live in a area where the government is not going to take care of me or my family.
The road I live on gets plowed and repaired because all of us that live on it formed a local service district, voted in a property tax. Borough collects the money as part of the general property taxes, and gives our part back. One of us administer (with no pay) the money and hiring the equipment.
If I call the state troupers with an emergency, they will be out as quick as they can, could be an hour, might only be a half hour. There are no Borough police and I'm outside of the city limits, so no city police.
The Fire Department will show up in 15 minutes - fire truck or ambulance or both. That's because we formed a fire service district and a volunteer fire department. We have only one paid person - the chief. But we got good equipment and a good fire station.
There is no all-powerful government official shouting orders about one or two family building construction. The only government type person I ever hear of (don't ever see her) is the borough property tax assesor. I get a letter from her every five years - explaining why my taxes are going up.
She also comes out to my cabin. I think the Forest Service takes her out in one of their boats - there is no road. I get a similar letter from her also every 5 years.
There were no building permits required when I built my house - except for the borough driveway permit, $5 (not mandatory). That got me an street address - which doesn't matter much, post office doesn't deliver mail to the house. The State DEC wanted $100 to register the well - not mandatory. For their fee I get put in line for the water rights. I also had to give them a sketch showing the septic was at least 100' from the well. They also came out and pulled a water sample and gave me the test results. Had there been high arsenic or some other naturally occuring poison - tough luck, up to me to deal with. I hired a septic tank/drain field installer and he had to file with the state DEC ($40, I think - not sure). Sent them a copy of the same plot plan, showing the well was 100' away.
The power is from a co-op, not private, not a exactly public utility - belongs to all of the subscribers. They gave me typical installation drawings, listing specific required material. No requirement to hire a journeyman. Told me their side of the installation had to meet the requirements listed on the typicals. They came out and inspected my main disconnect, meterbase, and the one ground rod they required - then made the connection to the pole transformer. Anything after that - they didn't care.
This is not a whine - its all okay with me. I will not willingly accept living in an area teeming with people, bad air. short on water, and the gov'ment probing into places I wouldn't do to a cow.
I've been doing this long enough
I have few clues about how manland America lives. That is what my questions were about. Does mainland America do this (build dry cabins)? If so, how do they handle it?
That's all. No hidden agenda.