Dryer receptacle underneath washer piping

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I may have been one of those that answered a little harsher than I meant to and I apologize if I did, but as others have stated just because you wouldn't do it that way doesn't mean it's wrong.

How many of us have seen that outlet sticking up in the middle of the planter where it gets rained on and hit by the spriklers twice a week. Anybody that's ever done a service call on one knows just how "waterproof" those boxes and covers really are. We allow this and do it all the time. We can't prevent people from doing things just because there is a possibiltiy that something might happen in the future. If that were the case none of us would drive to work in the morning for fear of getting in an accident.

and to jaylectricity, many a kitchen sink is installed by the HO.
cowboyjwc said:
and to jaylectricity, many a kitchen sink is installed by the HO.

That's true. And you can call me Jay if you like, or you can call me whatever else you feel is appropriate. Either way, here's one of these things: :D
georgestolz said:
Here's a little story: When I was persuing my illustrious burger-flipping career, I needed to take a 3-gallon pot of chili off the stove in back, pour it into two 1.5 gallon pans, and carry them up front to serve. I slipped when I was pulling the chili pot out of the water pot below it (the steam burned my wrists, causing me to lose concentration). I managed to spill most of the chili onto the stove, the wall and the floor.

The receptacle was located beside the stove (the stove was in a corner). I nailed it good, and there was a bright flash and the breaker kicked. The receptacle had to be replaced.


Is this also the story as to how you entered the electrical field?

For some of us who have been here longer, getting a little beat up is not such a bad thing.

To those who had the pleasure of getting beat up by Benny, the guys getting beat up now have no idea of a real beating. :wink: :grin:

It is part of the learning experience here...that is why some who post more are almost callous to the remarks and keep treading on looking for the elusive answer to help increase their understanding.
Pierre C Belarge said:
Is this also the story as to how you entered the electrical field?
No, I worked production in the local newspaper for three years after that. Making electrical improvements to some of the equipment (some that I look back and gasp at) got me inclined, and then my wife's boss got my foot in the door as an apprentice. :)
Pierre C Belarge said:
...For some of us who have been here longer, getting a little beat up is not such a bad thing.

To those who had the pleasure of getting beat up by Benny, the guys getting beat up now have no idea of a real beating. :wink: :grin:

It is part of the learning experience here...that is why some who post more are almost callous to the remarks and keep treading on looking for the elusive answer to help increase their understanding.

I had decided that I was not going to reply to any more posts in this thread, but, being a sucker for punishment, here goes...

I think that if there is a concensus on a subject between a few of the posters in this forum, it's probably about as definitive an answer on the subject as a person's gonna find. That's a really good thing. What a resource...

...gone to waste if someone doesn't post his question for fear of being ridiculed.
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realolman said:
...gone to waste if someone doesn't post his question for fear of being ridiculed.

It just like real life....
Someone over in the corner has some great idea that doesn't match the rest of the crowd. He's worried his idea may have a flaw, but in his opinion, it's a better idea...maybe just needs a wrinkle or two ironed out. So he sits quietly in the corner with his great idea for fear of being ridicled, while the others pat each on the back and create noise for their mediocre idea.

....but here on this forum, no one needs to know anything about you other than your name "SparksAlot"....no one knows your real name, your family...etc....and no one may even care what your name is ~ IMHO, people on this forum are more interested in the IDEA than the PERSON.
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