Duct Bank Photos

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Where did you hear power plants were banned? They have been going up all over here the last few years. We are doing a 500+MW plant in San Diego right now and on the verge of getting an 800MW plant and several smaller ones.

This is a combined cycle 2 on 1 plant. (2 natural gas turbines driving a steam turbine) It replaced a very old very dirty plant on the same site. Oh, and it was 575 MW, I was mistaken.
A little O/T but such installations are allmost unknown here in the UK , underground cables whether privatly owned or belonging to the power company, are generally SWA (steel wire armoured).
Such cables are typically direct buried. Ducts of concrete or earthenware pipes are sometimes used to facilitate pulling in additional cables, but this is less common.

Very large installations sometimes use cable tunnels, through which persons may pass, the SWA cables being hung from hooks along the tunnel walls.
RB1 said:
Does anybody know where I can find some good photos of a concrete duct bank with steel reinforcement for a class?
here ya go..... (18) 3" pvc, 950' long.....




infinity said:
Anyone ever work with this concrete pipe?


Unless it is coated on the inside, it will be a heck of a drag and abrasion for cables. They do not seem to be connected to each other. Earth movement will shear the cables. I have seen this happen with non-reinforced/overloaded ductbanks. (Gave me a year worth of design work in a Colt foundry.):D
Each section has a hard plastic connector ring that fits over the round flange on the end of the pipe. Basically you bang the ring onto one end and slide in the next length of pipe. That's it, backfill with sand and pull in the cable.
weressl said:
Did you see that dip before enetring what seems like a manhole (round cover on top), 180 bend wasted for burial depth? Either the guy never pulled cables before or other trades right-of way won.....:grin:

actually, *we* were the other trades.... job site in question is the same
one in long beach, ca that the 535 mw plant is going into... but it
was 5 years ago, running down "B" street next to the 230kv rack...

as for the shallow comment, yes, thank you, it was close to the
surface..... good depth perception there....:smile: and the pipe
was done in that part in 3" GRC, and poured level with 3,000#
concrete. variations in that rack were from 3" deep, to 9' deep,
to miss all the other duct banks crossing the street....

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