E-Stop wiring for a package Hot Tub in Residential Duplex

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I really think they mean an emo switch otherwise why even have this section. Almost every hot tub needs a disconnect type switch and must be insight. I am surprised that they only require Not Less Than 5' and don't limit the distance to 10' or so.
Bob I agree the gfci thing is not reliable but what I was thinking is to take a wire off the neutral side of the breaker- not switch the neutral--- and tie the other side to ground or even the neutral bar. You would be creating a parallel path but only to shunt the breaker. Just thinking out loud-- not a good method at all.

Since the NEC requires an EMO there must be a relay or something in the tub wiring to facilitate the hook up. I will have to check on the next one I do.
I really think they mean an emo switch otherwise why even have this section. Almost every hot tub needs a disconnect type switch and must be insight. I am surprised that they only require Not Less Than 5' and don't limit the distance to 10' or so.

I see this, haven't really thought about it in a long time, as here it's been accepted that a disconnect adjacent to the hot tub meets this requirement, but I see what your saying, and the only difference I can see between 680.12 for maintenance disconnects and 680.41 requires it to be "adjacent to" the hot tub both require it to be kept 5' away, and to be within site, but I don't see anything requiring a push button, just the labeling of the switch as the "emergency shutoff" where 680.12 does not require this.

I think it's worded like this to allow other means of compliance such as just killing the motors, I believe this was all put into the code after the little girl drowned from having her hair suck into the inlet of the pump.
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Shut Off Switch

Shut Off Switch

Hi Guys - Thanks for all of the discussion.

I will check out the control panel on Monday to determine if there is an obvious point of connection for control wiring.

If there isn't I am going to install a double pole switch that IS NOT a breaker and clearly label it "Emergency Shutoff".

My 2008 Handbook Commentary says: "The shutoff switch can be either a line-operated device or a remote control circuit that causes the pump circuit to open."

I'll report back on the inspection and control board.

I sure love and appreciate this website.


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