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Agreed. My math solution involved only trig, not symmetrical components. I used a couple trig identities that would not work in an imbalance situation. But it was intended to address a load consisting of one three-phase motor. That makes the assumption of a balanced load a relatively good one.
True. If there is significant imbalance between the phases in this case, your initial concern wouldn't be about the power not being constant.
Three phase

I would not read to much into it.


Single Phase Inductions Machines:

This machines work in a range of fractions of kW to 2 kW aproximatly. Even though they are called single phase machines, due to the way the source is connected, their inner structure have to have two phases at least(1), to make possible the creation of electric torque at any slip.

(1)orthogonal to each other, to maximize the production of torque.
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