Electrical Approved work shoes/boots

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wireman71 said:
Never heard of a OSHA boot requirement for us.. Redwing makes a nice boot. I fully recommend there concrete sole leather boot. After almost a full year I'm seeing no sole wear and 6 mos of that was on concrete floor. I'm full expecting another 6 mos out of these boots if not more. And it's comfortable as all get out. I'd have used a four letter word but not sure bout the swear filter :)

OSHA requires electrical workers to wear rubber soled shoes, that has been an OSHA requirement since 1981.
Zog -
Could you give me the OSHA reference requiring rubber soles and the NFPA 70E reference requiring EH rated boots? I looked a few months ago and could not find any requirements. I must have missed it.

The best I could find was an OSHA statement that translated to, "if needed, then get them" but no criteria on how one might tell if they are needed.

My response was, "Tell the crew there is no requirement, but if they want them then get them."

However, if there are requirements, that will change my recomendation.

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coulter said:
Zog -
Could you give me the OSHA reference requiring rubber soles and the NFPA 70E reference requiring EH rated boots? I looked a few months ago and could not find any requirements. I must have missed it.

The best I could find was an OSHA statement that translated to, "if needed, then get them" but no criteria on how one might tell if they are needed.

My response was, "Tell the crew there is no requirement, but if they want them then get them."

However, if there are requirements, that will change my recomendation.


I am on the road this week and dont have my 10 CFR with me but I think it is in 1920.269 or 334 with other general requirements.

70E does not require EH rated boots, I never said that. But if you look at the tables for PPE in 70E it says "Rubber soled shoes", rubber soled shoes are also mentioned somewhere else in 70E early on article 110 maybe?
zog -
I looked pretty hard, and am still missing the references. I assumed a couple of mis-prints: "10 CFR" was 29 CFR" and ?1920? either meant ?1910? or 1926?

I checked:
1926, Subpart E, 95-107 (PPE), Sub K, 400-499 (Electrical, Sub V, 950 ? 960, (Power Transmission and Distribution)

1910.136, Sub I, 132-138, (PPE), Foot Protection, says when working in areas where employees feet are exposed to electrical hazards, footware must comply with ANSI Z41 (replace with ASTM F2412, and F2413)

1910.269, Sub R, Electric power generation, transmission, and distribution - I didn?t see anything here
1910.334 Sub S, 300 ? 399 (Electrical) ? Here neither

NFPA 70E. 130.7.C.7, Foot and Leg Protection, references dielectric overshoes and specifically says insulated soles (EH?) don?t count.

NFPA 70E, Table 130.7.C.10, PPE Matrix, says Foot Protection Leather work shoes, no mention of rubber soles.

70E, Art 110 - no mention of shoes or soles

When you get a chance, perhaps you could get me a little closer ? I?ll certainly look up the references.

1910.269 is what I meant to say, I was sure it was in there.

1910.136 - Occupational foot protection
(a) General requirements. The employer shall ensure that each affected employee uses protective footwear when working in areas where there is a danger of foot injuries due to falling or rolling objects, or objects piercing the sole, and where such employee's feet are exposed to electrical hazards.
(b) Criteria for protective footwear. (1) Protective footwear purchased after July 5, 1994 shall comply with ANSI Z41-1991, "American National Standard for Personal Protection-Protective Footwear," which is incorporated by reference as specified in Sec. 1910.6, or shall be demonstrated by the employer to be equally effective.
(2) Protective footwear purchased before July 5, 1994 shall comply with the ANSI standard "USA Standard for Men's Safety-Toe Footwear," Z41.1-1967, which is incorporated by reference as specified in Sec. 1910.6, or shall be demonstrated by the employer to be equally effective.

ANSI Z41 requires rubber soles
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zog said:
...ANSI Z41 requires rubber soles
Thanks for the clarification. I was looking for something specific for electrical. I don't check shoes, but I'm pretty sure all meet the ANSI spec.

Thanks for checking

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