electrical question

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what are you measuring ? (Load side of switch to neutral, Load to ground, etc)
and what type meter are you using ?
If you are using a digital meter load to neutral and there is a downstream load on the neutral I think you could measure a voltage :-?
Fluke offers this as a solution. I bought one from a local supplier. $40-$45
It places a 3000 ohm resistor across your leads to bleed off the phantom voltage. It is CAT IV 600V rated.

Fluke SV225

Meter manufactures are offering Low Z settings built into the digital meters now to address this issue.

Disclaimer: This may not fit your particular brand of meter.
Something sounds wrong here. If there is a working load such as a light bulb on this load side of switch it should kill any stray voltages. That is assuming with switch on the load works.
Also backfeed from another circuit. I had this in my rental property where the tenant did some creative wiring. The EL had to separate the circuits and remove the dual fed components.
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