Electrical Safety Quiz

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a what ?

a what ?

mdshunk said:
You might spell out LOTO and PPE, since it's the introductory quiz. They may have never heard these acronymns before.

(perhaps I should not admit this and just hang my head in shame)..Introductory ?
I've been in the trade 40 years and I've not heard the term LOTO except when I'm buying a ticket.
Here are the instructions from a Fluke AC1 Volt Stick
"Before each use, verify operation by testing a known working circuit that is within the rating
of this unit. Steady red glow (not flash) indicates voltage present. If no indication, voltage could still be present. Do not rely on this tester with shielded wire."
A volt stick won't work if you are on a ladder...
Most of time it will work. I now test with a meter as a follow up.
augie47 said:
(perhaps I should not admit this and just hang my head in shame)..Introductory ?
I've been in the trade 40 years and I've not heard the term LOTO except when I'm buying a ticket.

30 years here and it took me a minute too. Lock out, Tag out.
mdshunk said:
You might spell out LOTO and PPE, since it's the introductory quiz. They may have never heard these acronymns before.

Um, then the answer would be "No".

Two tickets for Power Pick Extreme please?
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