Electrical Supplys and the Law

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Would it ever be possible some way some how to make it where electrical supply's were not sold to consumer's.

You can't buy certain items for A/C's and our stuff kills people everyday.

Just think what it would do for the electrical industry as a whole.

I don't know the figures, but I would guess that far more consumers are hurt/killed by electrical incidents by misuing (overloaded receptacles, missing ground prongs on extension cords/"cheater" plugs, sticking forks in the toaster, etc.) an existing service than those who try to diy, say, a new outlet.

All trades have to deal with DIY-ers taking a portion of their potential business. I would think electrical is one of the few things that many people won't touch since, if done wrong, there is the potential for death or burning one's house down.

From what I've seen, most DIY shows say to 'hire a professional' for anything other than the simplest of electrical work.
I hope not, this is America and to me working on ones own home should not be prohibited.
Absolutely. I own a house whether I'm an electrician or not.

I think the only item that is prohibited by a law is refrigerant, I think any other restrictions are just voluntary restrictions by wholesale houses. I bet you could buy most any HVAC component via the Internet.
I have an account at a big HVAC wholesaler here. I can buy anything except refrigerant-related stuff.
I hope this NEVER HAPPENS.

Okay I see every ones point and I think all of them are good ones.
With that being said. I wish things were more regulated and the punishment was more harsh on people who are performing electrical work without a license. The only time they take it serious is when someone dies then the person at fault could possibly face jail time.

Try practicing medicine with out a license and see what happens.

Should we have access to medicine? There have been many times that I have know whats been wrong with me and I know what kind of medicine I needed.
Okay I see every ones point and I think all of them are good ones.
With that being said. I wish things were more regulated and the punishment was more harsh on people who are performing electrical work without a license. The only time they take it serious is when someone dies then the person at fault could possibly face jail time.

Try practicing medicine with out a license and see what happens.

Should we have access to medicine? There have been many times that I have know whats been wrong with me and I know what kind of medicine I needed.

I agree with you that a person doing work for hire, on someone else property, needs to be qualified, and I think you will find this is the general feeling of the people of this forum.

But in many states, and I think its in the Constitution somewhere, there are what is generally called the Log cabin law, and it allows for the public to have the right to do there own work on their own property that they are going to live in, for at least one year.

Remember, we have the right to live as dangerously as we want, as long as we do not endanger the lives and property of others, I have said this many times, we shall not be reduced to living in a padded cell, don't pad my world.
If I want to jump out of a perfectly good plane, it is my choice, if I want to race cars on a race track, it is my choice. and I hope it stays that way forever.;)

Don't take away my Freedom!
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What about the children of DIYers? Or their elderly parents who live with them?

are they being forced to live there? if they are I would think the law might say something about that.

I do not disagree with what your saying but this is where the education input has to come into play, you can't dissolve our rights because people choose to live in house that might or might not be dangerous? it is true Children do not have this choice, but at the same time what legal way is there to get the children out of a house like this? shall we resolve to allowing our privet lives being upturned by having an inspector just drop in at anytime to inspect our house? could a school send a worker to our house to inspect it? they do this now.

I don't know what the real answer could be for a balanced perfect world, where one might enjoy the freedoms we do, and at the same time make everything safe so that no one would ever be hurt or killed, but I do know this, padding our world is not the answer.
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