Electrical tape: 33+ or Cheapo?

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Electrical tape: 33+ or Cheapo?

  • 33+ only (The boss buys it - I don't care)

    Votes: 9 7.6%
  • Only good stuff like: 33+, 88, 170 and/or phase tape

    Votes: 32 27.1%
  • 33+ for insulating, whatever I grab for everything else

    Votes: 57 48.3%
  • Cheapo tape for everything

    Votes: 20 16.9%

  • Total voters
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Just to clarify this thread:
Cheap black phase tape is ~60 cents per roll
Colored phase tape is ~$3-4
+33 tape is about %5 a roll.

Side note: pity poor Kevin. This was one of my first jobs as a new apprentice. We had a very hard pull [PVC 1/2"] and Kevin was up on a ladder pulling and I was feeding. I was out of tape so all I could do was bend the wires over the loop in the end of the fish tape. This worked until the came out at his end.
At that point, my bend at the end sprang open and released the fish tape which he was still pulling hard. He fell off the ladder. But fortunately he didn't damge any concrete or dirt or anything where he landed.
Lesson: Always supply your workers with enough tape!
I'm guilty of using phase tape for pulls, bundling, marking and anything else I can think of... asked purchasing for 20 rolls each color of scotch 35. They happened to add an extra "2" on the yellow line... told me it would cost too much to send it back and I should just keep it. I think I'm finally down to about 30 rolls. ;-)
cschmid said:
I use only 33+ or when it is cold 88 or better..I hate tape that does not stick or leaves a residue behind..I also keep my 33 plus in a controlled area..I dont care what the rest of the guys use I use real tape..It works when I need it too, even when left in truck at below zero temps..I also have habit of throwing cheap tape out..You get what you pay for..

I'm curious, what kind of car do you drive?

What paper towels do you buy?
What's that old saying?

"Take care of the pennies and the dollars take care of themselves".

IMO, there is a place for the 1700 and a place for the 33+. Most of the time, I don't need the 33+.

Another question, what is a "sock"? I've seen it posted here a few times, but I've never heard it before (other than covering feet).
hardworkingstiff said:
Another question, what is a "sock"? I've seen it posted here a few times, but I've never heard it before (other than covering feet).
A sock is one of those "Chinese finger trap" wire gripper for pulling.

Looking for a picture...
Minuteman said:
A sock is one of those "Chinese finger trap" wire gripper for pulling.

Looking for a picture...

Don't worry about a picture, I have a few of those "socks". LOL, I just never heard them called that. I've heard "Chinese finger", Becket, Kellum grip, just never sock.

Thanks for the information.
i was always fussy about tape, so my men knew my policy -- pulling data cable requires alot of tape but it's a temporary installation for the pull. but when it came to power wiring like bugs and such, scotch 33 was used. i can remember buying ten packs of the cheap stuff for 33 cents a roll and buying cases of it while wondering if it might go bad on me??? but it never did........... for about ten years over 60 per cent of our work was data cabling.........
peter said:
This was one of my first jobs as a new apprentice. We had a very hard pull [PVC 1/2"] and Kevin was up on a ladder pulling and I was feeding. I was out of tape so all I could do was bend the wires over the loop in the end of the fish tape. This worked until the came out at his end.
Lesson: Always supply your workers with enough tape.

I'm willing to bet that at least half the tape supplied for that job was at someone's house at that very minute.

The problem with supplying enough tape is not supplying enough to do the job but supplying enough for each employee to take home a half dozen rolls and still leave enough to do the job. :grin: :grin:
At one time I had over 20 rolls of partially used tape in my night stand drawer, a few wire nuts, some StaCons, partial roll of Life Savers and other Misc. jnk.

Gets better than that...we use split socks for mid cable grabs, like when more than tugger is needed on a 500'+ pull and the tension meter starts creeping up (1800+ pounds) on "girly cable" MC.

Split socks are just like a regular sock, except it wraps around the cable and has a long pin that is laced through the weave of both ends to form a sock again. Tie wire is a mandatory...along with some "cheap" tape to avoid getting snagged on other cables already tied down in a tray.
im on a quest to find somthing similar to 33, but with a lower price. permacel makes electrical tape with similar specs, im going to order some to try out.

tried the 'plymouth' tape the big boxes are selling now and its a failed made in china attempt to copy 33

according to 3M, 33 is the only electrical tape still made in america. maybe we should all buy it exclusively :smile:
Minuteman said:
Don't know how true this is, but I have heard that just one wrap of 33+ is rated for 600 volts. Can anybody confirm that for me?
No way! I hate getting shocked. :grin:

"Let's get Mikey to try it!"
Based on this white paper I would say that a single wrap is not enough... http://ecmweb.com/mag/electric_electrical_taping_skills/index.html

You should use a minimum of two half-lapped layers of vinyl tape to insulate and jacket low-voltage components. A half-lap (see Figure) consists of overlaying each turn by one-half the width of the tape. The general rule of thumb calls for a tape thickness of 1.5 times the thickness of existing wire or cable insulation. In every case, tension on the tape should be sufficient to conform the tape evenly to the surface. A slight reduction in tension is encouraged for the final wrap. Trim the tape end and allow it to return to shape before pressing down with the thumb to avoid lifting or flagging.

3M has this article linked on the 33+ site, so I would guess they agree..
okay I have just bought some of that cheap tape..3M 1710 general use tape..and after reading someone said 1 wrap is good for 600 volts I can not answer that but in the ECM magazine article they talk about proper wrapping procedure for tape..I know from reading other 3M products they actually recommend three wraps of tape are min for proper protection..Now is that the same with this cheap stuff..I hope I don't kick myself for this purchase cause 33+ is the correct tape to use..
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