One thing I used to do, which I will probably regret posting here.........
I would say to the person that I was interviewing: "You have a little spot of something on your face" and touch a part of my face. If they wiped their face as they would if looking in a mirror, as in, I touch the left they wipe their right side. I lowered my points on hiring them.
I did hire some that didn't pass the wipe test due to other reasons, such as, bosses brother-in-law, good references and work experience, ETC.
A note I need to add, I was not hiring basic electricians. I was hiring maintenance personnel. They had to be electricians, mechanics, machinists, designers, all built in to one.
They had to have strong common sense, the ability to see things as they are instead of a reflection.
Now that I have written this. I am sure I will catch a bunch of slack, but the ones I hired that didn't pass the test had problems reading blueprints, schematics, and putting it all together. Their troubleshooting skills were also very bad.