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The platform is a second structure and it must be bonded,grounded etc.
We all agree on that point.
Whether he chooses to run a gec to the platform from the CEE or use a rod,plate or any other approved electrode it gets done.
Regardless of how it is grounded at the site it will always be a violation of the NEC because of the grd at the POCO transformer location. Parallel paths?
I don't understand what you mean, and regardless, what happens upstream of the service equipment is not an NEC issue

The steel platform has always had the potential to be an electrode in and of itself.
So does any slab on grade structure, it changes nothing.
As such it would be required to supplement the CEE because it exists.
Please show me where this structure is listed as an acceptable GE. The structure does not need a suplemental GE, it simply needs a GE.

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