electricians handbook

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English translation, please?

pike = 10 foot or so pole with a big spike for holding the log and pushing it up

jenny = the thing that the pole sits in while the pike men move

cant hook= large tool with a hook and a spike that the guy standing near the hole that the pole falls into uses. its used to guide and spin the pole

by the way i have no idea where to buy pikes, jennys and cant hooks. cant hooks i might beable to find at a lumberjack supply store or something

Cant Hook


Pike Poles



Oh the memories

Oh the memories

When i was in the service going through electrical school we had to set poles by hand using those tools. We also had to dig the hole by hand using long handled shovels they had special names too can't remember what they where though. It was quite an experience.

Then after we set them we had to learn how to climb and assemble them. They got us to go to the top of the pole by thumb tacking our paychecks up there. The instrutor said "you wanna get paid ....theres your check" as he pointed upward. Good Times :)



When i was in the service going through electrical school we had to set poles by hand using those tools. We also had to dig the hole by hand using long handled shovels they had special names too can't remember what they where though. It was quite an experience.

Then after we set them we had to learn how to climb and assemble them. They got us to go to the top of the pole by thumb tacking our paychecks up there. The instrutor said "you wanna get paid ....theres your check" as he pointed upward.

Tamp. Tamp. Tamp.
I think he is asking about this title


I have one, probably bought it in the 1990s, red cover. I like it but I don't use it that much.
I got one early in my career and it was very good. I have just purchased Practical Electrical Wiring, by Hart. I am going to get the latest copy of the handbook. Seems like it orginally by Joe McPherson? and was very well written. Hart does a good job and explains things well.
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