Elevators on EM Generators


Electrical Designer
Hello everyone,

We are designing a building were we have 4 elevators, 3 banks. It's a 7 story residential building. The architect has told us that we don't need 3 elevators to be on generator, just one. I'm having trouble to find the code that says that only one elevator is required to be on Generator in this type of building. Would any body help me out with this?
I'd get it in a memo from the architect and the elevator company* confirming that only one is to be supplied and move on. Might make your own sketches and notes for what to do if/when that changes.

*they ought to have a pretty good idea of what's required
It will depend on whether it is considered a high-rise (>75' above firefighter street access). The code requirement comes from the adopted building code for your jurisdiction.
For example, if your project jurisdiction has adopted the 2021 IBC, you can look at Chapter 27, and if it is a highrise, it will guide you to a few other sections depending on the type of elevator.