Emergency Stops are discussed in NFPA79 STandard on Machinery chapter 9 control circuits. All machines must have a category 0 stop, which jerks all power from machine actuators when engaged. You can provide a controlled stop (category 1) to supplement this and make this your emergency stop, and a stop need not be immediate if this would create a greater hazard - an example would be a chemical process.
Section states "operator control stations shall include a separate and clearly identifiable means to initiate the stop function of the machine OR OF ALL THE MOTIONS THAT CAUSES A HAZARDOUS CONDITION..."
Can someone be eaten by the conveyer belt too? I would say yes.
Having once followed a conduit run to find the main disconnect on an older CNC milling machine bent on drilling itself to death after slapping the stop and e-stop buttons, and having watched other machines break themselves with up to $10000 in self inflicted damage while screaming at the man next to the button to hit the e-stop, and have him reply "where is it?" and have to bowl over people standing in rapt fascination to get to said button myself, and having seen folks get trapped by or worse, chewed up by machinery, I tend to take this issue seriously.
If you have a conveyer running stuff to several machines I would suggest a safety review of the system. When someone gets chewed up that manager who whined to have the conveyer kept alive will deny everything and point the finger at you, and absent a paper trail, he may succeed. Get it in writing and keep a copy and make sure OSHA had a look too.
Each machine on the line should have its own clearly identified stop and the conveyer should likewise have one within reach at any point on the line. Each push button station costs about 15 minutes of lawyer time. I've had machines with battery backed up brake releases to allow you to free someone after killing the power too.
Lastly, whoever works there needs to be trained. The first thing is, where is the stop button and what does it look like. They're all supposed to be red with a yellow background, or at least red. After every incident I had to ask "what (expletives deleted) are you doing operating this machine if you don't know how to stop it?" and received the usual deer in headlights look in response.