emf problem

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080707-1951 EST

Post #1 never mentioned a Gauss meter. EMF was not clearly defined. It now appears for this and may be many other threads EMF means magnetic field flux density.

A multiturn coil as a Gauss meter will have an output voltage proportional to frequency. So unseparated harmonics produce a greater effect than the fundamental. It is sensitive to frequency because the induced voltage is proportional to the rate of change of flux. The coil is bandwidth limited at some point from shunt capacitance.

A Hall device is is insensitive to frequency because it directly measures flux density. It also will rolloff after some high frequency limit.

http://www.euro-emc.co.uk/datasheets/Magnetic/EMF Fundamentals.pdf
for some discussion on assumptions on the effect of AC magnetic fields on humans. The calculations are based on the assumed characteristics of a human in a varying magnetic field. See page 5 and the table on magnetic flux density and assumed induced voltage. Note these are the induced voltages around a waist of 1 meter and are in the millivolt range. Also note the current desnities per sq-meter, rather low current per sq-cm. At 5000 mG their density is about 0.14 microA/sq-cm.


080707-2141 EST


There is no definition of what an EMF meter is in post #1. To know that it is a Gauss meter requires a prior information.

I ran some tests at the shop and at home with a coil type Gauss meter. This has a calibration of 20 MV/G at 60 Hz. The voltmeter used is a Fluke 27 on the AC MV range. This resolves 0.1 MV.

At all areas at home or the shop I read 0, except immeadiately adjacent to the water pipe, grounding wire, and circuit breakers. The grounding connections are in the range of 0.1 to 0.3 MV (5 to 15 mG). Conducting breakers are in the 3 MV range or 150 mG. Not far from the breaker panel or water pipe, about 20", and it is 0. From a Slimline about 30" for 0.

Dennis Alwon said:
Hal -- here is part of the op statement

i turned off the power to the whole house, same problem. i disconnected the cable from the house the problem still exists.

Yes and here is also what he said

the source of the emf seems to be the cable.

Until we know which side of the grounding block he disconnected the cable from it is hard to say.

Considering the problem remained with all the power off I am betting like Don that the problem will end up being the loop made by the cable TV supply.

I would bet if Karl Riley chimed in, his opinion on Emf's would not be as relaxed as you guys are about it.

We are each entitled to our own opinons, some say cooking red meat on a BBQ can result in cancer but I still do that.:smile:
080708-1103 EST


Why do you need a "good quality" EMF meter, and what does it measure and how?

From a single straight wire conducting a current of I amperes the flux density in mG at a radius R in meters from the wire is
B = 2*I/R
To get 5 mG at 1 meter requires 2.5 A. This will drop to 2.5 mG at 2 meters.

Since breaking the water meter path eliminates your EMF reading the implication is that you have considerable neutral current on the water line, and since this was with all power off in the house it means the neighbors neutral current is flowing thru the water line. Measure that current.

What kind of Gauss readings does the cheap meter read and where relative to the water line leaving the home. Number of feet from the water line to the point of measurement?

If the water line runs under the basement floor can you sense it thru the floor and thus trace its path. Immeadiately adjacent to my water line I get about 15 mG. My line runs under the floor and I do not have sufficient sensitivity to find it thru the floor. Means the radial distance is too far.

What is the resolution of the cheap meter? If you go into the backyard what is the reading?

Unless you can feel (maybe sense is a better word) the field without a meter, or you are having unexplained health problems, I don't think EMF is problem.

Try taking some readings in your own home and shop with your meter to see what's "normal" and compare it to what you find in their house. Try it with their meter as well.
drbond24 said:
Oh, I know. :)

You just need to tell them that in order to protect themselves, they should construct a hat as seen below and wear it at all times while inside their house. This also has the added benefit of keeping the aliens out of their heads.


I believe that the single pointed top has been disproven to be effective, matter of fact that is the enrty point the aliens have been using to enter the cerebrum.

A multipoint metallic bristle array around the entire sphere of the protective foil, approximately 3' long have been suspected to confuse the aliens as to where to enter and so they usually go away looking for easier pray.:cool:

Here is the model:
DanZ said:
Unless you can feel (maybe sense is a better word) the field without a meter, or you are having unexplained health problems, I don't think EMF is problem.

Wow. So If my hair is standing uo does that mean I am feeling emf's. What should I do if I am bald?
weressl said:
I believe that the single pointed top has been disproven to be effective, matter of fact that is the enrty point the aliens have been using to enter the cerebrum.

A multipoint metallic bristle array around the entire sphere of the protective foil, approximately 3' long have been suspected to confuse the aliens as to where to enter and so they usually go away looking for easier pray.:cool:

I've tried that and it works. I'm still here. :rolleyes:
Have you given blood?

Because when you donate blood at the red cross they put a chip in you for the govt to track you. :wink:
weressl said:
I don't know, when I have unexplained health problem I look to the Government. Dey always messin around wid sumtin.....so I figure it's dem again....

Ohhhh no, you have to work around that garbage too weressl:-? :mad:

It should be considered a crime to talk like such an *ss:mad:
Dennis Alwon said:
Wow. So If my hair is standing uo does that mean I am feeling emf's. What should I do if I am bald?
Hair standing up could be any number of things, static electric charge, reaction to fear, sticking your finger in light sockets, hanging upside down while someone is spraying glue...the list goes on!

For the baldness, have you tried hair in a can? :grin: I've got that same problem. I just don't worry about it much, I just sit back and enjoy all the extra money from not using as much shampoo. ;)

My post, along with large portions of this one was in somewhat sarcastic jest. I've heard "feeling" EMFs is similar to the feeling of being watched, so if you experience that, or some other odd feeling, and there are high EMFs in that area, it might be worth investigating.

On Ghost Hunters (on the Sci Fi channel) they had that feeling throughout most of a house, and determined it was probably caused by an improper connection to copper plumbing (they were getting high readings any time they went near plumbing), and suggested the home owner hire an EC to fix it.

As far as the unexplained illness issue, if you can't trace an illness to anything else, and there are high (what constitutes high?) EMF readings throughout a house, it might be worth investigating as well.

On another note, I once saw a Discovery Channel documentary about the people who work on high voltage wires in remote locations (like the ones that run through heavily wooded areas that don't have access roads) by helicopter. One of their first steps, while they are seated on a folding chair hanging from a helicopter is to connect a rod between the power lines and the helicopter, to envelope the helicopter in the same magnetic field as the one generated by the power lines. To reduce the risk of shock, if I remember correctly. So, I doubt it is as big of an issue as some people like to make it. Kinda like gas fumes cause cancer...in little white mice...:roll:
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