Emon Demon

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usually the installs are installed near the feeder being metered--if you add a breaker to that panel--guess what -- the person paying the bill can easily turn that breaker off during some portion of the billing period and the e-mon records nothing when the voltage is "off" ! as i said--an hour estimate will definently get you in trouble. i have installed at least 100 of them or more plus two of e-mon's computerized systems. our applications were mainly in office tenant areas. being bottom fed and the small area to terminate drives the labor up. in a typical three phase-100 amp unit you will have elevan control wires to terminate in the meter. three fixture fuses-line load in the panel and most of the time the ct wires are not long enough and need to be extended with different colored control wire. when i metioned polarity i meant on the ct's--they not only need to be matched to the correct phase but they need to be matched for polarity of the ct. bottom of the meter needs to be knocked out or hole sawed. meter can needs to be mounted. and it takes about five minutes to confirm the unit is reading and record the serial numbers for the warentee. guess my fingers are too big and i consider myself average as far as speed-- although in my mind it's better to be correct than fast in this trade-that always worked for me ?
Charlie, I guess you'd need to see me work. One day a couple of years ago, one of my guys and I both had to do panel-guts replacements. He bragged about doing his in four hours; then I told him I did mine in under two.
LarryFine said:
Charlie, I guess you'd need to see me work. One day a couple of years ago, one of my guys and I both had to do panel-guts replacements. He bragged about doing his in four hours; then I told him I did mine in under two.

Did you get a gold medal? Or were you disqualified by the committee for "performance enhancers?"

peter d said:
Did you get a gold medal? Or were you disqualified by the committee for "performance enhancers?" :D
I have been told I look like I've had too much coffee when I work. I need to record myself making up a panel sometime.
i'm not going to even challenge you - like other "things" (?) everybody has an opinion ! i would have an hour just getting all the materials and tools necessary to install an e-mon out of my truck and then putting them away? you are fast ---so fast that you have the fastest fingers on this forum! you have 8,745 posts in three short years !
Typical bid 8 hours plus fuses, wire, Misc. and EMON.

The CT's are actually Current Sensors and while I avoid doing so can be left open circuited unlike a true CT..
LarryFine said:
I have been told I look like I've had too much coffee when I work. I need to record myself making up a panel sometime.
i cant rush around like that when i work. i tend to take my time. if i start to rush and run around like a chicken with its head cut off things get messed up. i just work at my own pace and make sure its done correctly the first time. the boss doesnt like hearing that all that much :confused:
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