Employment Application

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Senior Member
central nc
we are growing and needing to show more of an organized effort when hiring new employees. we do the background check and pay for a drug screen at the local urgent care but our application is lacking i think. is there anyone who knows or has a good application for hiring commercial electricians that we could use or get some ideas from.
Might this help

Might this help

Usng google, "employment applications" here

Not at the bottom of first page, "Free, Compare, and variables of the
what you might be seeking"
Here's the responses to an actual application (not mine):

NAME: xxxxxxxxx
SEX: Not yet. Still waiting for the right person.
DESIRED POSITION: Company's President or Vice President. But seriously, whatever's available. If I were in a position to be picky, I wouldn't be applying here in the first place.
DESIRED SALARY: $185,000 a year plus stock options and a Michael Ovitz style severance package. If that's not possible, make an offer and we can haggle.
LAST POSITION HELD: Target for middle management hostility.
SALARY: Less than I'm worth.
MOST NOTABLE ACHIEVEMENT: My incredible collection of stolen pens and post-it notes.
PREFERRED HOURS: 1:30-3:30 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday.
DO YOU HAVE ANY SPECIAL SKILLS? Yes, but they're better suited to a more intimate environment.
MAY WE CONTACT YOUR CURRENT EMPLOYER? If I had one, would I be here?
DO YOU HAVE A CAR? I think the more appropriate question here would be "Do you have a car that runs?"
HAVE YOU RECEIVED ANY SPECIAL AWARDS OR RECOGNITION? I may already be a winner of the Publishers Clearing house Sweepstakes.
DO YOU SMOKE? On the job no, on my breaks yes.
WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE DOING IN FIVE YEARS? Living in the Bahamas with a fabulously wealthy dumb sexy blonde super model who thinks I'm the greatest thing since sliced bread. Actually, I'd like to be doing that now.


When I was in college, the psychology instructor (who was also a dean of something or other) would staple a McDonald's application to the returned exams of those who did poorly.


Might I suggest in your packet:
Standard 2 page app.
Permission form from your insurance co. to check DMV record
Previous injury disclosure form
Basic 10 question "Questionaire" regarding electricity..Legally cant call it a test in most states. ie: How many amps does a 100 watt/ 120 volt light bulb draw? (.83 amps)
Criminal background check by local pd. Applicant pay for.
Drug test concent form
Copy of the ad they are responding to and signed acknowledgement. Can't say "only experienced need apply" when you have other positions available.
Rather "5+ verifiable experience required"
Copy of valid drivers lisence.

and a partridge in a pair tree...........

oh and a spell checker for us on the boards..
I use a simple form purchased at office depot.A neatly filled out complete aplication gets you an interview and that is were the decisions are made.had a guy stop in around 5 for an interview he seemed just a little off he would not maintain eye contact and would look away when answering questions I thought I smelled the faint odor of booze but I was not for sure as he was leaving the first wife was comming in and I could tell by the look on her face she caught the wiff also.Now I greet at the door and make them walk past me.
tyha said:
we are growing and needing to show more of an organized effort when hiring new employees. we do the background check and pay for a drug screen at the local urgent care but our application is lacking i think. is there anyone who knows or has a good application for hiring commercial electricians that we could use or get some ideas from.

Have them take a pre-employment skills test. Twenty-five questions or so of their knowledege on the NEC. If they pass this test, have them go to a skills wall to see how they can troubleshoot. This should weed out any of those applying that aren't qualified. If they pass one or both, have them fill out an application.

If they can't troubleshoot, they're not worth the loot.
BackInTheHabit said:
Have them take a pre-employment skills test. Twenty-five questions or so of their knowledege on the NEC. If they pass this test, have them go to a skills wall to see how they can troubleshoot. This should weed out any of those applying that aren't qualified. If they pass one or both, have them fill out an application.

If they can't troubleshoot, they're not worth the loot.

I would almost agree with you except its funny how were all here trying to educate ourselves, yet you have a problem hiring someone that does not understand 25 of your questions??? :-?
I'ld hire you Marc but I'm not sure for what. Certainly a candid application there. How does the wife feel about your future plans?:grin:
stickboy1375 said:
I would almost agree with you except its funny how were all here trying to educate ourselves, yet you have a problem hiring someone that does not understand 25 of your questions??? :-?

The tests are just a basis to use with other information from a prospective employee. I have taken several of these myself. When I had my business, I put an ad in the paper. The day the ad came out I had about 50 people come to my office to fill out an application. There were very few of them that I thought were qualified. I hadn't put into play the issues I mentioned. My whole day was spent scanning over applications and answering questions. Guys wanting a company vehicle, $18/hour, benefits, vacation pay, etc. Too many of the applicants were simply looking for greener grass than where they were. Many more were simply job hoppers never satisfied with where they were and what they were making.

The use of such tests, in my opinion, are tools to gain access to the most valuable prospective employee.
BackInTheHabit said:
Guys wanting a company vehicle, $18/hour, benefits, vacation pay, etc.
?? Now I'm really confused. What's wrong with any of that? Sounds more like the least a good guy could expect.
mdshunk said:
?? Now I'm really confused. What's wrong with any of that? Sounds more like the least a good guy could expect.

Me too. Anyone who doesn't offer even the most basic benefits and somewhat competitive pay is not going to get anything more than a helper around here.
mdshunk said:
?? Now I'm really confused. What's wrong with any of that? Sounds more like the least a good guy could expect.

There's nothing wrong with a guy wanting that. Some guys didn't care and just wanted a job. The guy that wanted $18/hr came from a commercial contractor. I was a residential contractor. Based on what homebuilders paid, $18/hr was not doable in residential. I am in commercial now and don't know of many electricians making more than $18/hr right now. I would like to make more than I am right now, but I am just happy to be gainfully employed.

Where I am, Journeyman Electricans in residential top out at $15/hr. In commercial, Journeyman start at $14/hr Masters at $16/hr. I did have a van for my foreman he did get sick time, vacation and holiday (if taken) and got a lot of overtime. He wasn't interested in insurance since he was covered under his wife's policy. I paid him a little more to compensate for lack of insurance. I had Workman's Comp and Liability to cover busines related issues. I offered vacation pay after one year. No benefits offered. I was a small company and couldn't offer it at the time. I was planning on offering benefits at a later date. I provided all tools except hand tools. Had five employees at my peak and the bottom dropped out of the housing market at the time, and as of yet not recovered.

I would have liked to offered all the bells and whistles and had planned on doing so. I know of a lot of residential electricians out of work with no new housing going up.
BackInTheHabit said:
Based on what homebuilders paid, $18/hr was not doable in residential.
That statement alone causes me to understand why you are no longer in business for yourself. Don't suppose you ever considered telling anyone what you charge, rather than asking them what they pay, did you? ;)
electricalperson said:
im in massachusetts. its a little expensive to live up here

That's my point. Cost of living here is reasonably fair. I have family in North Carolina. I understand the cost of living is 1/3 higher there. One can pay $18/hr in PA because the cost of living is higher there. (I believe so because I've been there.)

The least a guy can expect is the going rate for his (or her) area. Don't look down of others not in your area just because they don't pay the rate in your area.
BackInTheHabit said:
The least a guy can expect is the going rate for his (or her) area. Don't look down of others not in your area just because they don't pay the rate in your area.
I don't look down on you because you don't. I look down on you because either you won't or can't.
The 10 poorest states
The states with the lowest median household income
State Income
New Mexico $40,629
Montana $40,627
Tennessee $40,315
Kentucky $39,372
Louisiana $39,337
Alabama $38,783
Oklahoma $38,770
Arkansas $36,599
West Virginia $35,059
Mississippi $34,473

Source:U.S. Census Bureau

The 10 poorest states
The states with the lowest median household income
State Income
New Mexico $40,629
Montana $40,627
Tennessee $40,315
Kentucky $39,372
Louisiana $39,337
Alabama $38,783
Oklahoma $38,770
Arkansas $36,599
West Virginia $35,059
Mississippi $34,473

Source:U.S. Census Bureau
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