Enforcing 2008 NEC

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Senior Member
Went to look at a basement finish job today. Builder told me the city is already enforcing the 2008 Code, mentioning AFCI's in particular. How can an AHJ enforce a Code that hasn't even been published yet?
Go here for some contact information for your state.

Sounds as though the builder is misinformed.

The 2005 does require combination types to be used, but recognizes that if they don't exist you can keep using the branch/feeder types. The combination isn't on the market yet, so nothing has changed much from the 2002 so far.
He specifically said they were enforcing the '08, and mentioned the AFCI requirement. When I go down to get a permit tomorrow for the job, I'll have a chance to check into it.
The 2005 does require combination types to be used, but recognizes that if they don't exist you can keep using the branch/feeder types.
How does it do that? The permission to use branch circuit/ feeder type AFCI expires on 1/1/08.
The permission to use the branch circuit/feeder AFCIs has nothing to do with the existence or lack thereof of a combination type AFCI. It is just a permission to use the branch circuit/feeder AFCI until 1/1/08. If there are no combination type AFCIs available at that time there is no permission to use the other type.
Ahh, I get what you're saying. So, even if the combo comes out next week from all manufacturers, nobody would have to install it until 1/1/08, as well.

So, what happens on New Year's Day if the manufacturers miss their deadline? We install nothing? ;)
So, what happens on New Year's Day if the manufacturers miss their deadline? We install nothing?
It is my opinion that if there is no combination AFCI or only a single brand on the market as of 1/1/08 that the requirement to use AFCIs becomes void.
remember that the AHJ does not have to follow the NEC, they use the nec as a guide and sometime add some/modify codes.
remember that the AHJ does not have to follow the NEC, they use the nec as a guide and sometime add some/modify codes.

be careful with that. state laws supercede any local laws, and if your state adopts the NEC, chances are you will be required to follow it and you cannot make changes w/o their approval.
I am working on a project for which the local authority has chosen to enact, into their current laws, one specific requirement that is scheduled to take effect under the 2008 NEC. That, I believe, is an appropriate way for an AHJ to start enforcement before the 2008 is published. But to say that an AHJ is enforcing the 2008 NEC is not appropriate, since that document does not yet exist.
don_resqcapt19 said:

It is my opinion that if there is no combination AFCI or only a single brand on the market as of 1/1/08 that the requirement to use AFCIs becomes void.


Just curious as to how the last paragraph of 90.4 would apply to the combination AFCI issue. This paragraph in part states "This code may require new products, constructions, or materials that may not yet be avaliable at the time the code is adopted. In such event, the authority having jurisdiction may permit the use of the products, constructions, or materials that comply with the most previous edition of this code adopted by the jurisdiction."

I see this as allowing the AHJ to ignore the combination AFCI breaker requirement and going back to using the branch circuit feeder type if the combination type aren't available or there is only one manufacture that has a working AFCI avaliable.

Maybe I am wrong.

While I agree that you can read the section that way, I don't. It gives them the authority to permit such use, but not require it...of course they can always write an amendment that would do the job.
Thanks Don,

I have been trying to decide how to approach this issue in January when there might not be any combination type AFCI breakers on the market, or if there is only one or two manufactures that have them on the market. I like the idea of not enforcing any AFCI requirements due to the fact that the combination type aren't avaliable as of yet.



Went to get a permit for the job today.
I told the woman at the front desk I needed an electrical permit.
She smiled at me and said, "Oh, we don't require any permits here. We just require the work to be done to code."
I asked, "Which code?"
She: "The current one."
Me: "You mean the 2005?"
She: "No, the 2007."
Me: "There is no 2007, just the 2005, and the 2008 won't be out for another two or three months."
She: "Yes, 2007."
Me: "So is this a State code, or are you talking about the National code?"
She: "The National code."
Me: "So I need a copy of the 2007 National Electrical Code. Where do I get one?"
She: "Maybe Borders. Try Amazon-dot-com."

God forbid if I actually asked her about AFCI's! :mad:
LOL, yeah Amazon will have the 2007 NEC.:grin:

If it makes you feel better at least they would communicate with you.

Most of the time I find the Inspectional services office employees to be down right rude and obnoxious no mater how sweet I try to be. :mad:
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