Enunciating circuit breaker for the fire bell? How do I know if this circuit has tripped?

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curt swartz

Electrical Contractor - San Jose, CA
San Jose, CA
Electrical Contractor
Are they still required to have smokes? If so, it sounds to me like it would be a good idea to just have the flow switch trigger the smokes via the interconnect wire instead of a bell. After all, all smokes are supposed to be interconnected because you may not be able to hear one go off, especially in a big house. So what good is a fire bell?


Of course smoke alarms are still required. In addition to the fire bell, interior sounders are required on every floor with bedrooms.

Typically the fire sprinkler company supplies the bell, back box and interior sounders for the electrician to install. Wiring is part of electrical inspection but fire sprinkler contractor will provide locations for devices and must show the bell and sounders work as part of their permit and fire inspection.
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