Out of curiosity, why isn't AC cable acceptable for this job? It may be worth suggesting a substitution of AC cable instead of MC cable, and emphasizing to the customer that if the other guys are planning to use standard off-the-shelf MC, they won't be giving him the quality, NEC-compliant job he's paying for.
Every now and then we'll have a client who gets a "money-saving suggestion" from a contractor or another engineer and wants us to use it in our design. Almost without fail, those suggestions are not code-compliant. Once we explain to the client that, while it might save some money up front, it's also likely to result in the Inspector refusing to sign off on the job until it's been fixed -- and how long would that take? -- almost without fail the client says to do whatever we have to in order to avoid trouble/delays with the Inspector, because every day it takes to correct a failed inspection is a day of revenue lost.
You might play a little game of "imagination" with your customer. "Picture this: You hire a licensed electrician to do your remodel. He says he can start tomorrow, and he'll be done in three weeks, so you tell him to get started. The electrician buys his materials, gets everything installed, and then calls for inspection, and what happens? The Inspector fails the job because the ground wire is too small and doesn't meet Code. Now your electrician has to rip everything out and start over. He has to order custom cables which take six weeks to arrive before he can even start re-installing. In the meantime, your facility sits empty, unable to be used.
"Or you can hire me, I'll order the correct cables now, and you can continue your normal operations for another five weeks. Then I'll start the demolition work, so that I'll be ready to start installing as soon as the cable arrives. But what would be even better is if you'll let me use AC cable instead of MC cable. With AC cable we won't have to worry about the size of the ground wire, because the cable armor IS the ground wire. And it's a standard shelf item, so I'll be able to start work right away."
I know if I was the customer, I'd be thinking AC cable looks pretty darned good right about now.