But there is no icing on the cake in the 2011 NEC. 310.4 or that exact statement does not exist anywhere in the 2011 NEC.Yes, 250.122(F) and (F)(1).
And the icing on the cake is 310.4 - "Where equipment grounding conductors are used with conductors in parallel, they shall comply with the requirments of this section except that they shall be sized in accordance with 250.122.
I am not contesting the premise. I'm just pointing out wording or lack thereof which makes us doubt the implementation.A 600 amp feeder would require a #1 ground. If that feeder was ran as (2) sets of 350KCM in 2 separate conduits, you would need to run a #1 ground wire in each conduit. Nothing requires you to increase that to a 1/0 just because the ground conductors in each raceway wind up in parallel.
It wouldn't make much sense to have to upsize a #1 ground either - each #1 ground is already sized to carry the entire fault current of the 600 amp circuit. No need to worry about how the current will divide between the multiple grounds.