equipotential grid

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I see 680.26(B) where it says it does not need to be extended or attached to remote panelboards, service equipment, or electrodes.

I also see 680.26(B)(6)(a) unless this is interpreted to mean only double insulated motors.
I read this as saying that since a DI motor probably wouldn't have a bonding lug as a non-DI motor would have, which lug on a non-DI motor having the bond wire attached would in turn connect the grid to the grid through the equipment grounding conductor, the bond wire must be connected to the equipment ground conductor of the DI motor probably at the switch for the circuit.

I haven't found those FPN's yet.
Well if we have a chiller yard with lots of pumps return supply pumps inline flow pumps and such each motor will be attached to the grounding matt and the ground electrode system is attached to that that extra ground wire attaches to the pump frame with a crimp eyelit type lug to a nut and bolt connection to frame or base of pump . The grounding conductor with the conductors to the motor goes inside the peckerhead and attaches to the factory lug inside motor .

Equal potential is all things attached.

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The last part of 680.26(B) in the 2008 code is what was the FPN in the 2005 code. That only says you don't have to run the #8 bonding conductor to a remote panel or electrode. The rule requires that the #8 bonding conductor be connected to the non-current conductive parts of any electrical equipment that is associated with the pool. The circuit EGC will also be connected to these metal parts, so there is a required connection to the electrical grounding system.
For pools with non-double-insulated electrical components, yes, but not neccessarily with a #8, it only has to be as large as that required in 680.25(B), 680.26(B)(6), and/or 680.21(A)(1).

For agricultural buildings, yes, 547.10(B).
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