has anyone ever heard of electrical being 10% of project total i work in an area where 90% of the work is high end second homes this economy is making me crazy with the damn low bidders doing work for nothing stay home or
i guess survival of the fitest
In my area, the norm would be around 3% of the overall job goes to electrical. I too work in the high end custom homes 1M to 2.5M. I do not supply any of the fixtures so that my affect the overall percentage.
I've seen the 4-8%. I also think this is a low pricing current market. when time are betting you will probably see the 10% average again.
Just my opinion.
3%, 4-8%, 10%, what are those numbers based on?
The actual selling price of the home?
Or the cost to actually build the home?
has anyone ever heard of electrical being 10% of project total i work in an area where 90% of the work is high end second homes this economy is making me crazy with the damn low bidders doing work for nothing stay home or
I have heard that, but it's not always the case. I am doing a house right now that will be $615,000, but I am no where near $61,500 in electrical. Even with me supplying the entire lighting package, I am only around $40k. The price for this house has a lot to do with all the mill work, so doesn't effect me all that much. Each house should be given individual attention if you plan on being competitive. I realize there are plenty of people doing work right now for peanuts. People eventually realize that the work will be not to their liking, and stick with the reputable contractors. It's all a phase, and if you can make it through it, you can make it through almost anything. Keep your chin up.