Estop of Several Motors

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If you are dealing with mutiple motors in a process stream that are dependant on the overall system functionality,they are normally interlocked together in a safe manner so if one goes down then that process upset is not compromised by that failure,however if for some reason an estop is manually initiated via a hit and run mushroom head kill switch its a different story,sequential shutdown is hopefuly still intact and can be maintained but it is not always possible.
Has anyone seen an estop circuit using a safety relay that kills power to several motors using two (K1 & K2) contactors. The only wiring diagrams I can find use two contactors for each motor. I don't know if this is a requirement or AB just likes selling more contactors. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

You could be dealing with circuits that are designed according to the ISA 84 SIL levels, where calculations can lead you to series connected devices that are killed with separate contacts of a common actuator.
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