Exam tips please

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celtic said:
I would also suggest you aviod this forum (or similar forums) the day/night before the test. Do you really need to debate the ground/up down thing, or have you head full of chatter about masonary boxes, or any of the many other minor points we rant on and on about for 100's of post?

Good luck!
(Not that you will need it :) )

Shockedby277v said:
@ Today, 07:09 PM


..but you will need it (luck) if you don't forget about electricity for the next 12 hours.

Go watch the History Channel or something
Pass the exam first time!!

Pass the exam first time!!


These people give a "Pass the exam" Seminar. Free retakes & if you fail the exam after three trys the will refund your money.
The instructors are not even electricians, just profesional instructors. They come in town for the seminar & on the way out they take the exam with the intention to fail & write down verbatim the questions & multiple choice answers. If they pass the exam then they can't retake it the next time they are in town for the next seminar. then they have the exact test to present for the next "pass the exam" seminar.
I find it hard to believe its legal to do what they do but he state(s) don't care or know.
I suppose from the states point of view, the more people with licenses the more revenue into the general fund?
rcarroll said:
On your way to the test site, keep an eye out for a beer store. Pass or fail, A cold one goes down great. Best of luck to you. Ron

Yes, a cold one does go down good, after the test. After today, I stopped and got me a case! 6 down 18 to go.

Well, 30 days before I get my results, so the definition of eternity will have a new meaning. I've always heard, Michigan's exam was hard. Hard is a big understatement. All I have to say is ... wow. I am pretty good at getting around the code, but that test insulted my intelligence. I will be happy if I pass with a 75%.

After 2 hours, I was less than 2/3's done and with a 1/2 hr to go, I ended up guessing on quite a bit. All and all it was a learning experience.
Ah yes I know the feeling. It was quite the experience though wasn't it??
I was so sure that I failed.
I am pretty good at taking tests, but I certainly did not have a good feeling after the Mi test.

Hang loose and remember some good journeymen electricians failed it the first time they took it.
And do what I did, pray several of your guesses came in correct.

After you chill out, look up the answers to those tough problems and guesses because this trade
is a learning experience from day one until you hang up the tools.

Please let us know how you did when the results come in.........

rcarroll said:
On your way to the test site, keep an eye out for a beer store. Pass or fail, A cold one goes down great. Best of luck to you. Ron

Sure does even if it was 10:30 AM! Another suggestion if you have a tape recorder use it when you get back to the truck (or car) you can talk faster than writing so you don't forget the hard ones while writing!

Well now you've destroyed my confidence. Now I predict 84% passing grade.
Hey, if these tests were easy, anyone could do it. You don't want to be anyone, you want to be a good electrician.

AND this forum will help you get there! Let us know how you made out.

The public forum about adopting 2005 NEC with changes turned out to be populated mostly by the telecommunications industry.
dlhoule said:

Well now you've destroyed my confidence. Now I predict 84% passing grade.
Hey, if these tests were easy, anyone could do it. You don't want to be anyone, you want to be a good electrician.

AND this forum will help you get there! Let us know how you made out.

The public forum about adopting 2005 NEC with changes turned out to be populated mostly by the telecommunications industry.

I would love to get a 84%. I talked to a few guys after the test, one guy said it was his third time, anothers first but said he studied the wrong stuff. That's exactly how I felt. Not to mention, the questions were asked in a sneaky manner. I know guys who have passed this exam, that can't use the code book very well, so if I have failed, I'm not gonna stress about it. I got my butt kicked ;) Without taking the "pass it the first time" class, I'm still glad I took the path I did, I have learned a great deal in the past year.

There was 2 questions that dealt with conductor sizing. Both gave a 75 degree conductor and a 75 degree breaker and they wanted to know what size conductor was needed. First thing I asked myself was, are they seeing if I know how to use the table or if the breaker AND device need to be rated for 75 degrees? IMO that was tricky of em, so I did one at 60 and one at 75.
I will find out how I did in about a month, I'll keep ya posted.

Did that meeting happen to say when we're switching to the 2005??

Jeremy thnx for the links. I always dig links!
Did that meeting happen to say when we're switching to the 2005??

Sometime next year, probably earlier part.

I like your attitude inre test preparation. Having test questions and answers do not necessarily make for a good electrician.
Good job!
I took my Michigan Master Electrician exam the day after your test. I found out Friday I passed too!
Michigan State University has study guides online that helped me, but are nowhere all inclusive as to what is on the test. Knowing how to look things up is the key.
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