Excel Formula Help

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"I frequently try to paste into Excel cells, and you cannot paste into a merged cell. "

I thought you could and just tried it - I was able to past into a merged cell. You cannot paste multiple cells into a merged cell, but you can a single cell.
Thanks guys,
Anyway, now my working Panel Schedule does everything I need, almost.

For fun, see if you can make it total up the amps correctly for each phase, accounting for phase-phase loads, phase-neutral loads, three phase loads and doing the proper vectorial addition of the various currents. Then you may want to look at including load power factor in your calculations; then add a demand factor and throw in something for the future spare circuits so your panel doesn't get overloaded as the design progresses.

Since I wasted a bunch of time trying to do that, I want to have someone else go through the pain, only to realize that the advice that is all over this website to just add the VA's and move on is the best way.

Glad to hear its working.
So, you are separating your loads into categories: Lighting, Receptacle, etc., My panelboard spreadsheet does that and like some of the others suggeted the SUMIF function works great. I am not sure if what you ended up doing is the best thing. Am not understanding how you sum up all the entries for a certain category without a lot of IF statements followed by a separate SUM statement. Probably not seeing something but glad you got it working.
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