Exception allows double tapping

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New member
I know I have read an exception that allows double tapping a circuit breaker for the purpose of installing a surge protector. I can't seem to find it now. Was that in the '05 and is not in '08? Thanks in advance for the help.
IMO double tapping has never been permitted for anything.

Welcome to the Forum. :)
Except for breakers that allow it. CH and QO come to mind for #'s 10, 12, and 14. I believe the conductors would have to match.

What he said! ;)

I take double tapping to mean an illegal connection. I guess that it depends on your use of that terminology. Sounds like the OP wants to install more than one conductor under the main lugs for the TVSS.
There are some circuit breakers that permit the installation of more than one conductor as per the listing. SQD and CH are two that I am aware of.

And, as mentioned, the conductors under the same termination are required to be of the same size.
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