Exit Signs or Smoke Detectors?

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Exit Signs or Smoke Detectors?

Not understanding is has this building passed final inspection yet. Seems strange that the EC that started this job would not be finishing. Hope your contract has you covered for limit of what your doing. Also here you would need a permit under your name to be doing anything even if finishing the job another started. You can not work under his permit. Very unlikely they are smokes unless was added by customer because of use. Highly suggest you find that print first.

No the building has not passed final inspection yet. Not sure why the original EC did not finnish the job. The original permit was pulled in 2006. I do know this: Their current master electricians license is in "inactive" status at this point ( at least in the county the building is located). Yes, I am going to have to pull a permit in my name to finish the job. I also have to get the previous EC to sign a "release" or petition the county electrical board (AHJ) to release him under "defaulting" on the job. I would assume all responsibilty for the project at that point. I think Emergency Lighting above each office door is making more sense at this point. I will try and get a copy of the prints and also ask the AHJ what should be installed there.
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