I know this topic has been addressed here but still have a question hoping someone can answer.
Currently is there any code that prohibits NM cable from being totally encapsulated in expandable foam insulation? The specific situation that I am finding is as such:
(1) nm cables stapled 2 per staple w/ approximately 1/2" spacing horizontally between them
(2)cables are run thru top plate (double 2"x4") 3-cables max. per hole. Distance down from top plate to staples is 30", 12" from that point to top of panel.
Would it be advisable to suggest that this stud cavity not be encapsulated with foam, and possibly just use fiberglass in this one area? I have had inspectors in the past tell me that they did not care for this type of insulation and felt that over heating could occur.
Any AHJ's here please chime in. Thanks.
Currently is there any code that prohibits NM cable from being totally encapsulated in expandable foam insulation? The specific situation that I am finding is as such:
(1) nm cables stapled 2 per staple w/ approximately 1/2" spacing horizontally between them
(2)cables are run thru top plate (double 2"x4") 3-cables max. per hole. Distance down from top plate to staples is 30", 12" from that point to top of panel.
Would it be advisable to suggest that this stud cavity not be encapsulated with foam, and possibly just use fiberglass in this one area? I have had inspectors in the past tell me that they did not care for this type of insulation and felt that over heating could occur.
Any AHJ's here please chime in. Thanks.