Expansion joint before meter socket question

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How does the electrician or the customer have any control? In order to de-energize the line side of the meter the POCO must mobilize.
We are not going to agree on this.

Just because the utility has to kill the power does not mean they have exclusive control. There are plenty of electricians and home owners that remove meters or cut the connections to the service drop without the utility being involved.

You can do it however you want, but around here if you don't get a green tag from the inspector, the utility does not give you power. The local inspection will start at the utility defined service point.

The answer to the question of the original poster in this thread has to be based on the service point and the utility rules. Around here for an underground service to a one or two family dwelling, the defined service point is the line side of the meter, but the utility rules required the same expansion fitting as does the NEC. So the question in this thread would not occur.
I know this doesn't help; this discussion is intriguing fit the simple fact that my local AHJ do not enforce expansion joints for underground services. Interesting enough we two utility companies and only one enforces the requirement for the expansion joint.

I personally think the installation should be enforced around my area. That's my two cents.

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Why does the utility have jurisdiction to require you to violate the NEC? The NEC requires expansion joints where PVC conduit is subject to differential ground movement, and that problem will persist regardless of whose scope it is to install the conduit.

I can understand a utility having rules that are less than the NEC, for that which is in their own scope. But I cannot understand how it is incorrect to build above and beyond utility rules in order to meet the NEC, in applications of scope overlap.

what section requires expansion joints?
what section requires expansion joints?
No section directly requires the use of an expansion joint for the conduit that connects to the meter for an underground service, but that is one method that can be used to comply with 300.5(J).
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